
How Cancer Spreads

CBS) For the past four years, Pat McWaters has been in the fight of her life against a cancer that seems to be moving constantly, CBS News medical correspondent John LaPook reports. "Breast, liver, spine, sternum, ribs, pelvis ... all cancer," Pat says. She's had a variety of treatments to try and control her disease, which began in her left breast. Pat's case is an example of a patient's greatest fear: the spread of cancer, or metastasis. Breast cancer is not fatal if confined to the breast. But when the cancer cells travel to a vital organ like the liver, they can overwhelm the liver cells and shut it down. Ninety percent of cancer deaths occur because of where cancer ends up, not where it begins. "The common belief is that metastasis is fatal. That is incorrect," says Dr. Josh Fidler. Fidler has spent his whole research life trying to figure out how cancer spreads. He sees cancer cells as seeds looking for soil. In all, 99.99 percent of the cells that spread from the original tumors die. Only the strongest survive, and they need fertile soil to grow. Several new cancer therapies try to ruin the soil by cutting off blood flow to the tumors. Because it takes just one cell for cancer to spread, patients are often treated with chemotherapy even though their original tumor is removed. Doctors are looking to destroy cells they can't yet see. "It takes many, many months and years to grow to a size that we can diagnose," Fidler says. The next step to stop cancer: Take a piece of a patient's tumor, analyze it to see if it's likely to spread, then tailor an effective treatment.© MMVII, CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

learning two

Mesothelioma attorneys are ready and available to assist you with your mesothelioma lawsuit claim. If you have ever been exposed to asbestos and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be eligible for a lawsuit claim. Contact a LawInfo Lead Counsel qualified mesothelioma attorney today. Today, there are many mesothelioma lawyers to choose from.? The number of lawyers and law firms handling these lawsuits is on the rise. Many of these lawyers have dealt with numerous mesothelioma lawsuits and have a good deal of experience and knowledge about the disease. Those looking for a mesothelioma lawyer should chooser someone that has proven experience in the field. Most reputable lawyers will be happy to provide facts and figures on previous cases that they have handled. ?However, these lawyers often do not provide private information that might be subject to confidentiality. They can, however, provide you with details on how quickly cases were resolved, how much compensation was successfully obtained and how many mesothelioma lawsuits they have dealt with. Although many Americans believe that asbestos has already been banned and its victims have been compensated by the courts, the EWG Action Fund study reports that 30 million pounds of asbestos are used in the U.S. each year, lists dozens of widely-used consumer products that still contain it, and says more than one million workers are exposed every year. Are you one of them? Despite the court"s actions, a short list of products still remain banned under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and the Clean Air Act. These include: corrugated paper, rollboard, commercial paper, specialty paper, flooring felt, sprayed-on materials containing more than one percent asbestos, and all new asbestos applications are banned. The structural appearance of cells under the microscope determine the cell or sub-type of mesothelioma. Epithelioid is the least aggressive; sarcomatoid, the most aggressive. The biphasic or mixed cell type shows structural elements of both of the other two.Mesothelioma is a particularly destructive cancer, for decades pass between exposure to the asbestos and appearance of cancerous symptoms. Further complicating mesothelioma treatment is the malignant nature of the cancer, for once symptoms surface, current therapeutic treatments are usually no longer effective and post-diagnosis survival rates typically range from four months to a year.

learning one

Because Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that can take up to 20 years to develop, attorneys need specific training and experience when seeking compensation for clients. Mesothelioma attorneys have a specific team of medical professionals who interpret health records and testing documentation to prove the specific correlation between a patient's side-effects and the Mesothelioma diagnosis.Although most physicians have limited time to spend with each patient at appointments, it is important to address issues as they occur and resolve them to the satisfaction of all parties involved. Initially, this may mean going to your appointment with a list of symptoms or concerns, or questions regarding specific tests that are recommended. Once mesothelioma has been diagnosed, you may have questions regarding treatment options. Chest X-Ray: Pleural effusions (collection of fluid around the lung), pleural thickening (thickening of the lining of the lung) and pleural based masses (masses extending from the lung lining) are often seen in patients with Mesothelioma. The value of a mesothelioma settlement can vary quite drastically, anywhere from thousands to hundreds of millions. The average settlement for a mesothelioma case was 1 million US in 2001. If the case went to trial, the average amount awarded to the plaintiff was 6 million. These amounts were 3 times the average that was awarded just 2 years before in 1999. As you can see from the amounts awarded in these types of cases, when looking for a lawyer they should take a great deal of time to discuss their strategy and experience in this area and also answer any questions that you may have. Responsibility for deadly asbestos exposure is primarily due to the proliferation of asbestos related materials combined with the negligence of the injury to properly warn their employees and consumers about the dangers of their products. For years the asbestos industry concealed or minimized the potential dangers their products posed in the name of profits, fearing lawsuits and diminished demand would ruin their businesses. Ultimately, this deception and negligence virtually destroyed the industry and nearly bankrupted several prominent insurance companies responsible for protecting asbestos companies against potential lawsuits.











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